Trekking in Nepal in Spring | Everest Base Camp Trekking | Annapurna Trekking in Nepal in Spring | Everest Base Camp Trekking | Annapurna

Trekking in Nepal in Spring

Posted On:Saturday, May 21, 2022
Trekking in Nepal in Spring

Trekking in Nepal in Spring March, April, and May are the months of Spring in Nepal. The season is beautiful with flowers blooming everywhere around. Trekking in Nepal in Spring is a good idea. The season is one of two of the best seasons for trekking, tours and peak climbing in Nepal. But, you need to know more than just that if you are planning to visit Nepal during Spring.

The trekking routes are decorated with Rhododendron and Magnolia and the views are jaw-dropping with flora and fauna at their best even at higher altitude areas. Sunrise and sunset with mountains are not to be missed. Magnolia decorates the streets of Kathmandu and Rhododendrons decorate the trekking trails (mostly in Everest and Annapurna Regions). Also, you’ll have more chances of seeing wildlife and birdlife in Spring.

Thunderstorms and rain in some parts are common during evenings in Spring. The temperature is neither too hot nor too cold in most parts of Nepal. With good weather and not so much rainfall, Spring offers perfect conditions for trekking in Nepal. The days are long and you have plenty of time to walk and reach the destination, unlike short winter days. The season is ideal not only for trekking and peak climbing but also for adventure sports like paragliding, rafting and bungee jumping in Nepal.

Trekking and Peak Climbing are mostly done around Spring. For trekkers and adventurers, Spring is the geographical variation of Nepal is a factor when it comes to trekking. Altitude and geography change with not so much distance. Trekking in Nepal in Spring is preferable with mild daytime temperatures even in high-altitude areas. However, the temperature in the morning and evening can drop significantly. It should be noted that the climate of Nepal varies easily. e best time to explore Nepal. Most treks and peak climbs are accessible in Spring. You will have long and warm days to cross passes, climb peaks and trek through high-altitude areas. There can be snow in a few places during the months of Spring.

Average Temperatures in Spring months

Kathmandu  Pokhara Lukla Namche Bazar Jomsom
High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low
March 25 9 26.7 12.8 4.4 -12.2 9 -3 7 -9
April 28 13 29.8 15.7 8.3 -7.2 12 1 -4 11
May 29 16 30.1 18.4 8.3 -3.3 14 4 -1 14

The average highest and lowest temperatures are in Degree Celsius.

Spring Season Festivals in Nepal

Visiting Nepal during Spring opens up the possibility of closely experiencing the cultural side of Nepal with a few festivals and special occasions.

  • Nepali New Year

This falls around mid-April and the whole of Nepal celebrates Nepali New Year. The best places to experience Nepali New Year are Thamel, Kathmandu and Pokhara if you are outgoing and do not mind crowds. For others, you should experience Nepali New Year in remote villages and towns.

  • Holi; the colour festival in Nepal

Many events are organized in Kathmandu and Pokhara for Holi. You can also choose to go out and celebrate publicly. Read more about the festival on our blog, Holi: the festival of colours.

  • Shivratri

This is one of the biggest occasions for Hindus. Pashupatinath is the best place to experience Shivratri. Many Sadhus come from India and Nepal and gather in Pashupatinath for Shivratri. If you want to explore and experience Hindu culture, this is the best way.

  • Buddha Jayanti

Buddha Jayanti is a celebration of Lord Buddha’s birthday. Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, is worth a visit on this day.

  • Chaite Dashain

This festival is more famous in villages and remote parts of Nepal. Dashain is the biggest festival in Nepal and Chaite Dashain is regarded as its smaller variant lasting only for a day.

  • Bisket Jatra

The festival is popular around Kathmandu Valley. It is celebrated by the Newar community (with all others joining in). Most people want to witness and be a part of this festival.

These festivals will certainly make your trip better and you will get to see the cultural aspects of Nepal. You should not miss the opportunity to experience the festive vibes of Nepal.

Spring offers more or less ideal conditions to trek and hike around the mountains and is often known as the best season to trek in Nepal. But this may not always translate to meeting all your travel needs. People trek in Nepal even in the summer and winter months just because it fits them well. If you are looking forward to a quiet time with nature, you’d better trek to less popular, offbeat regions areas or trek in off seasons of winter or summer.