5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit | Visit Bhutan 5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit | Visit Bhutan

5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit

Posted On:Saturday, May 21, 2022
5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit

5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit:

Reasons to Visit Bhutan & the Best Time to Visit is the last Shangri-La, Bhutan is a country like no other. Bhutan is a unique blend of culture and nature offering us countless reasons to visit Bhutan. Spring is considered the best season to visit Bhutan as it offers you to explore both amazing nature and deeply rooted culture.

Bhutan, also known as the ‘Land of Thunder Dragons’, is a sovereign country in South Asia. The landlocked country is located on the foothills of the Himalayas. Bhutan is bordered by China in the North and India in the South, East, and West.

The tourism industry is one of the most dominant industries in Bhutan. Bhutan has attracted travellers with its captivating beauty. The country is rich in cultural diversity. Bhutan is also known for its famous festival of ‘Tshechu’ that happens around this time of the year in various places.

Best Time to Visit Bhutan

Spring is the best season to visit Bhutan and more specifically, March and June are the best months to go to Bhutan. Spring is the peak tourist season in Bhutan. The valley is blooming and the season offers the best weather to visit Bhutan. October, November and December are also among the best month to go to Bhutan.

However, the best season for Bhutan can vary according to your travelling needs and the kind of experience you want to have. Paro Festival is one of the best times to visit Bhutan if you want to witness and experience the celebrations, traditions and people’s lifestyle. If you want to explore the wilderness and be away from the crowds, the best time to visit Bhutan for you might not be during peak tourist season like Spring but rather an early winter season. For this, early winter is considered as one of the best seasons to visit by some travellers as the weather is clear, days are sunny and views are unobstructed.

5 Reasons to Visit Bhutan

There are countless reasons to visit Bhutan and here are some of them.

Gross National Happiness

Rather than focusing on production and economic growth, Bhutan is the only country in the world that measures its Gross National Happiness as an indicator of its prosperity. The four pillars of GNH are the promotion of sustainable development, promotion and preservation of cultural values, conservation of the natural environment and establishment of good governance.

Imagine for a moment what it is like to travel to a country where citizens’ traditions, values, environment and future are of the utmost importance to its government. Now that’s something to think through!

Festivals of Bhutan: Tshechu Paro

Festival in Bhutan, Paro

There’s really no better way to get to know a place than to experience it during a time of celebration. Paro Festival is one of the biggest festivals in Bhutan. The Spring season brings Tshechu Festival and it is considered the best season to visit Bhutan.

Costumed and masked performers carry out ceremonial Buddhist dances that are considered a privilege to witness. You’ll also have the chance to observe the unfurling of the world’s largest religious Thangka scroll and the Paro Thongdrel.

Less travelled roads

If there is such a thing as the less travelled road, this is it! Bhutan offers you the world’s less travelled roads. You will be embarking on a journey only a handful of tourists have made. Visitors were only allowed in the Ha Valley in 2004 and very few have been to Dorikha, the village where you will be experiencing a local homestay.

The Drop people of Dorikha are among the last traditional nomads in the country. Most families will have just arrived back in Spring from their winter village. You will not be on the tourist trails sleeping in hotels but rather eating and living in a local Bhutanese way. During this, you will get to experience true Bhutanese culture and life.

Places like these. . .

  • Tigers Nest Monastery
  • Bhutan Punakha
  • Bhutan Jakar- Cultural Trek Trail
  • Bhutan buddha
Bhutan Tiger Nest Monastery Paro
Tiger Nest Monastery, Bhutan

Amazing Trekking Destinations

Laya Gasa Trek

Laya Gasa Trek is one of the longest yet finest treks in Bhutan. It is a 20 days moderate trek meandering alongside the border of Tibet.

Chomolhari Trek

Chomolhari Trek is one of the best treks to visit some amazing places in Bhutan. This 12 Days Bhutan trek comprises walking through adventurous offbeat paths and the views of some amazing snow-capped mountains.

Druk Path Trek

Druk Path Trek is a popular short trek through the paths of beautiful Bhutan. The 7 days-long Druk path trek takes you to the green forests, high mountains, monasteries, temples, and so on of Bhutan which is probably unique and will help you garner awesome experiences. The best season for Bhutan Druk Path Trek is Spring and early winter.

Need we say more? All these reasons add up to the beauty of Bhutan to give us many reasons to visit Bhutan. If you are confused or require any information on planning your Bhutan trip, inquire about us.